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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why parents need to take more responsibility for gadgets they put in their ...

Today's kids grow up using smartphones and tablets as naturally as their parents and grandparents grew up using a pen

Apple is set to pay back millions of dollars to US parents whose children downloaded in-app purchases without their knowledge - but why do so many mums and dads fail to protect themselves and their kids?

According to recent research from, parents splashed out £5.6bn on gadgets for their youngsters in 2013. This included 3.5 million British under eights who now own a tablet with one in 10 learning to use such a device by the age of two.

But instead of just swiping their credit cards and unwrapping the packaging, adults have to take more responsibility for the tech they put into a child's hands.

You see kids glued to touchscreens every day... in restaurants, shops, on public transport and down the high street while riding in their buggies.

So it's crucial this new form of 'electronic babysitting' learns lessons from the real world equivalent. You wouldn't leave your kids with someone you hadn't checked out thoroughly first.

Before you hand over that smartphone or tablet, take half an hour to familiarise yourself with what it can do, and set up the built-in parental controls that will restrict a variety of uses.

Select websites they shouldn't be seeing or a content age range that is appropriate and check options that prevent buying things without permission.

If you don't know how to do it, most manufacturers offer tips on their websites and plenty of advice is at hand with a quick internet search. Websites like can help.

How can you feel confident that your child will act responsibly with their new 'toy' if you haven't taken some initial responsibility yourself?

Today's kids grow up using smartphones and tablets as naturally as their parents and grandparents grew up using a pen.

But so many people still leave their purchase account logged in, or worse, tell their children the password to it.

Your child might be astute enough to swipe on a screen but if you don't talk about the issues or protect them from themselves, how will a two or three-year-old realise an extra life, colourful add-on or piece of in-game equipment can eventually run up a bill of hundreds of pounds.

You wouldn't hand a teenager your credit card and PIN so why hand your toddler a virtual purse to pick your pocket from.

How do you protect your own children from making in-app purchases? Have you been left with a sky-high download bill? Let us know...

Wii need classic Nintendo apps quickly

It's a sad day when you see one of your heroes in trouble.

I grew up playing Nintendo games and news that its shares have plunged due to disappointing sales of the Wii U console and its 3DS handheld brings a tear to my eye.

But the Japanese giant could reinvent itself in an instant by bringing the wealth of its classic titles and much-loved characters to smartphones and tablets... and it must do so soon if it is to survive the phenomenal shift in handheld entertainment.

When I was young we all had a Nintendo Game Boy. Now kids have a smartphone.

The company is rightly protective of its major names such as Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong. But in an instant it could attract millions of new fans and downloads with gaming apps on Apple's iOS or Google's Android.

Its President is reported as saying it is not as simple as moving these to a smartphone but that kind of thinking seems to go against the company's years of forward-thinking and innovation.

The Beatles held out for years before they licensed their music to be downloaded on iTunes. They couldn't hold back the digital tide though and when they fully embraced the future, fans went download mad for the band's tunes.

Despite coming late to the party, it wasn't too late for them and it's not too late for Nintendo still.

Let's hope that rather than wasting money and time developing yet another costly ring-fenced platform of its own, Nintendo take its characters where its customers, both young and old, now are.

It may have lost the hardware battle but Nintendo can still win the software war.

What Nintendo games and characters would you love to play as an app?

Electric cars sales are powering up

Nissan has just announced it sold its 100,000th LEAF all-electric car to a dentist from Fareham, Hampshire, who says he bought it due to the low running costs.

I recently did some work with Nissan and tried out the LEAF for myself. I thought it would be like driving a milk float but it felt no different to motoring along in a small petrol or diesel car.

The only thing you notice is the quiet. In fact, it took me a while to realise it was even on and I was free to move off, thanks to the distinct lack of engine noise.

With the growth in electric vehicles and companies like Google investing research dollars into self-driving cars, the roads are fast becoming the newest superhighway for major tech firms.

In-car apps and the crossover with how they work alongside our smartphones and tablets is the next firm frontier for motor manufacturers.

The LEAF already usefully allows you to turn on the heater and warm it up while you're still in bed but I'm just waiting for a car with the automatic ability to pinpoint a free space in a supermarket car park and get into it before the rest of those waiting.

What in-car tech would you like to see in the future? Tell us with a comment...

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